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PO Box 5336
Brookfield, CT 06804-5336

(203) 733-3222

Hearts Around the World, Inc. supports medical and cardiovascular training programs in third world and emerging nations through hands-on education and demonstrations. Our ultimate goal is to provide physicians and staff of the local hospitals with modern medical information and techniques required to care for all of their patients in need.




    Dalian, China is a city of 6-7 million people that is located in the northeast region of China. While the city is seeing enormous changes in business and technology, their health care system still lags behind these advancements. The administration and physicians of Dalian Central Municipal Hospital have reached out to Hearts Around the World, Inc. Recently we mutually agreed to a long term plan which will include Hearts Around the World, Inc. teams traveling to Dalian and the physicians of Dalian coming to the U.S. for clinical observerships in cardiovascular medicine and surgery. It promises to be an exciting and innovative program for both the Americans and the Chinese.